from Heartbreak to Hope

From Heartbreak to Hope!  Sounds cliche-ish, doesn't it?  Or sounds like a typical "whoa is me" post...Maybe.  Maybe not.

Who decides at 40+ to get married, plan a destination wedding, change residential address, and then end up heartbroken?  Not someone who has been directing weddings for over 20 years, not someone who specializes in ensuring Brides and Grooms have memorable wedding days, not someone who's actively involved in church, and loves the Lord with all her heart and soul...yes, that someone was Me!

No one plans to fail, well maybe some people, but most people don't plan things and expect them NOT to happen. When this happened to me, I promised the Lord I would never stray away from His plan for my life. When I committed to the aforementioned relationship, THE one that I had been praying for, I stopped praying because I knew the Lord had answered my prayers. Then, I stopped listening because I got caught up in the excitement, the "love" and the person.  So when it all ended, I was devastated.  I had accumulated debt on top of existing debt.  And as I fought through my feelings and started listening to God again, I clearly heard him direct me step by step to becoming The DirectHer.  The money I had spent for wedding invitations? That became my business branding - colors, pattern - and eventually my business cards;  the money I spent on wedding attire became capital for networking with other wedding professionals, booking additional weddings, and hiring a Webmaster for the website (which is pretty awesome, if I must say so myself); the monetary deposit for the wedding photographer/Make Up Artist (MUA) turned into my first professional photo shoot.

I share this to let you know why being #TheDirectHer means so much to me.  It motivates and drives me to ensure any mishaps that MAY occur will be Handled!  (Yes, #OlivaPope style).  Things WILL happen, but that doesn't  mean failure.  I'm a Get It Done person; when seemingly tragedy occurs, I know how to turn things into something worthy of triumph.   In my 20 years of directing weddings, approximately 99% have started on time, any behind the scenes "issues" were solved prior to the Bride or Groom's knowledge, AND I've always needed a full 24 hours afterwards to fully recuperate (lol).  Because I give it my all.  It's what I do!!


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